
CTP’s training system helps people prepare for work

CTP has been successfully training people with disabilities since 1974! Throughout our long history we have regularly updated and evolved our training to meet the needs of our clients and the business world.

Training Overview

CTP’s training programs are designed to help people with disabilities gain employment. Our short-term classes cover the basics and help to evaluate and advise referring agencies and students on their career outlook for jobs that involve computers. Our core classes focus on specific job skills, professional development and address barriers to employment that stand in the student’s way of achieving their vocational goal.

We believe our standards should be the same as those of the future workplace.

CTP’s step-by-step training process is designed to provide students with a series of successes leading them closer to their vocational goal. This transitional process ensures that students benefit at every point in the process and minimizes the disruption that abrupt changes in plan can cause. Throughout the process students are held to professional expectations in terms of attendance, accountability and behavior. Any issues noted are treated as an opportunity to provide supportive feedback and assistance in improving.

Developing a resume, improving interviewing skills and other professional development takes time to do well. We integrate these classes and activities into our classes that we are working on them continuously for the entire length of the program. In contrast most vocational training programs treat employment services as a separate service that happens after training. In those cases students experience a sudden, significant shift in responsibilities and expectations that can often leave them feeling uncertain, confused or afraid.

CTP has decades of experience understanding the needs of people with disabilities who are looking to join or re-join the working world. While we as an organization are old, our programs are new and in-sync with today’s employment market and technologies.

Please see this site’s “Training” sub-sections for more program details or simply contact us.