Aubrey Green co-facilitating the ‘Talk the Mock’ workshop at Google SF with a mix of Computer Technologies Program (CTP) students and Google employees. The goal of the event was to improve student’s self-confidence exercises, resume development, and mock interviews. Everyone had a great time and it was a big benefit for CTP students. Big thanks to the folks at HandsOn …
Read More »Join the CTP Family!
Since 1974, Computer Technologies Program has provided over one million hours of training and support for thousands of people with disabilities taking steps toward their career goals. We work hand-in-hand with the Department of Rehabilitation so there is no cost for our program’s participants and they have access to a wide range of support services.
Recent Posts
PRO Graduation March 25, 2016
CTP was proud to have a graduation event on March 25th for the “Professional Retail & Customer Service Training” class representing 63 graduates spanning a two year period. Alex Tabony, the Executive Director of CTP gave the introduction, and all of the CTP instructors were on hand to celebrate Alafia Stewart, Cara Sperry, and Jasper Hill. Director of Employment Services …
Read More »Invisible Disabilities
We are taught to think of the disabled as those who use assisted devices like wheelchairs yet people with ‘invisible’ disabilities like sensory loss, chronic pain, anxiety, and other mental health conditions are frequently excluded from being thought of as disabled. Invisible disabilities in the workplace may lead managers and colleagues to view employees as difficult, lazy or not team …
Read More »Localwise Pointing Berkeley in the Start-Up Direction
Startup your engines! Did you know that since 2014, there has been a 23% increase in jobs available in Berkeley startups? In an effort to both get Berkeley even more involved in the startup universe Localwise, a local community online job board will be putting on a first of its kind Berkeley Startup Job Fair. Localwise has partnered with several …
Read More »Tons of e-waste Goes to Responsible Recycling
The Computer ReUse Center just had 17 pallets of ewaste totaling thousands of pounds of dead and obsolete computers, network equipment, scrap metal and all sorts of stuff go to our very Green recycling partner. All of this ewaste was dropped off at our building by people and local businesses. At the CRC we scavenged everything that can be reused …
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