• Professional Development

    CTP's has a highly structured and highly effective approach to professional development and job search.

  • Computer Technician Training

    High tech training, networking, virtualization, and cloud services. Fully updated instructor-led remote sessions. Dedicated datacenter access.

  • CTP's History

    In 1974, CTP had an intensive computer programing class that was highly successful. Employers considered CTP's graduates equally qualified as traditional CS university graduates of the time.

  • Instructor Led Remote Classes

    Our entire program has been revamped for the COVID era and beyond. Access classes, learning materials, and our data center from anywhere.

Join the CTP Family!

Since 1974, Computer Technologies Program has provided over one million hours of training and support for thousands of people with disabilities taking steps toward their career goals. We work hand-in-hand with the Department of Rehabilitation so there is no cost for our program’s participants and they have access to a wide range of support services.

Recent Posts

Navigating the Maze of Benefits

The World Institute on Disability (WID) has created two very useful websites to help you navigate the bewildering realm of benefits. One website, www.db101.org, is for disability benefits in general and the other, vets101.org, is specifically for veterans. Disability Benefits 101 presents the rules, in plain language, for health coverage, benefit programs and employment programs that people with disabilities use–whether …

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Art Exhibits at the ERC

The Ed Roberts Campus (ERC) in Berkeley is best known for being a hub of non-profit organizations by and for people with disabilities, but it is also a significant venue for art exhibits by accomplished artists with disabilities. Just recently installed is a new exhibit of works by Monique Harris. Her images are rich with saturated colors and shapes that delight …

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50% Discount on Broadband

In an attempt to bridge the digital divide, the state of California has initiated the California Teleconnect Fund, which provides eligible organizations with a 50% discount on broadband and other communication services.  Eligible organizations include: Non-profits that offer one of the following services to the surrounding community Educational services Job placement and/or training 2-1-1 referral services Computer and Internet training …

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Autism’s Employment Advantages & Challenges

Within the condition of “autism” there lies a wide spectrum of abilities, from low IQ, non-verbal and requiring lifelong care to high IQ, good verbal facility and ability to live independently. For the higher functioning people with autism, some of the same traits that distinguish them as being autistic also allow them excel at certain types of work that non-autistic people find difficult. One example is put forth in a New …

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How Stephen Hawking Uses a Computer

You’ve probably seen Stephen Hawking on TV.   The world-famous physicist and author of A Brief History of Time, has a degenerative motor neuron disesase that, after several decades, has left him almost completely paralyzed, yet he still manages to speak using a computer generated voice.  Ever wonder how he does it?  Find out in this article by the Accessible Technology Coalition.

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