• Professional Development

    CTP's has a highly structured and highly effective approach to professional development and job search.

  • Computer Technician Training

    High tech training, networking, virtualization, and cloud services. Fully updated instructor-led remote sessions. Dedicated datacenter access.

  • CTP's History

    In 1974, CTP had an intensive computer programing class that was highly successful. Employers considered CTP's graduates equally qualified as traditional CS university graduates of the time.

  • Instructor Led Remote Classes

    Our entire program has been revamped for the COVID era and beyond. Access classes, learning materials, and our data center from anywhere.

Join the CTP Family!

Since 1974, Computer Technologies Program has provided over one million hours of training and support for thousands of people with disabilities taking steps toward their career goals. We work hand-in-hand with the Department of Rehabilitation so there is no cost for our program’s participants and they have access to a wide range of support services.

Recent Posts

Asset-Building for Low-Income People

Approximately 20% of the United States population lives with some level of disability, and people with disabilities are almost three times as likely to live in poverty than any other group. WID’s Access to Assets project opens doors for the disability community by promoting asset-building and financial literacy among people with disabilities. Asset building is an anti-poverty strategy helping low-income …

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Healthy Computing

Computers have evolved from from the salvation for people with disabilities to the cause of many disabling conditions. Our current computer-laden work and school environments have the potential to significantly damage our bodies. It is critical that we establish new “rules of engagement” with computers. This Healthy Computing webinar will explore the reasons and tools for taking regular breaks from …

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Survey on Emergency Communications

I think Hurricane Sandy has left us all feeling a bit more vulnerable, even if we don’t live in the affected area.  And of course, people with disabilities and the elderly are more vulnerable than most in disaster situations. In order to help improve emergency communications for people with disabilities, the Wireless Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center has launched a new Survey on Emergency …

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When You’re Asked an Illegal Question in an Interview

Even though it’s against the law to ask certain questions in a job interview, it does occasionally happen.  So what questions are illegal, and what do you do if you are asked one?  Paula Vieillet, President of Employment Options, has written a blog about just that.

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Tax Provisions for People with Disabilities

Tax season is upon us once again, so let’s have a look at some items that may be of help to you or your loved ones with disabilities. The IRS website puts just about everything you could want to know about taxes at your fingertips.  Here are three IRS publications that provide a good starting place for people with disabilities, …

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