Graduation. It’s a bit of a jumping off place, isn’t it? The transition between one phase of life and the next, with the big unknown ahead. It can be daunting for anyone, and more so for graduates who have disabilities! It was with these thoughts in mind that I find this blog worth sharing. Check it out.
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Since 1974, Computer Technologies Program has provided over one million hours of training and support for thousands of people with disabilities taking steps toward their career goals. We work hand-in-hand with the Department of Rehabilitation so there is no cost for our program’s participants and they have access to a wide range of support services.
Recent Posts
No Matter How Severe the Disability
People with disabilities, no matter how severe, have the same rights as everyone to make decisions about their lives–including the right to take risks and to make mistakes. So says the UN’s Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in new guidelines recently issued to clarify the terms of an international treaty called the Convention on the Rights of Persons with …
Read More »Frank Lloyd Wright’s Accessible Home
Frank Lloyd Wright considered the Laurent House in Rockford, IL, one of the most significant buildings he ever designed, calling it “my little gem”. Decades before the enactment of the Americans with Disability’s Act (ADA), Wright designed a fully accessible home for Kenneth Laurent, a paraplegic, and his wife Phyllis. “Ken Laurent always said that the house allowed him to focus …
Read More »Sign Language Holds the Key for Scientists
In most communities in the world, there is an established sign language just as there is an established spoken language. So when a person is born deaf or becomes deaf, there is an established sign language there for the learning. However, when deafness occurs in a very small, isolated village where there is no established sign language, they do what humans do–improvise–and a new language is …
Read More »Online Career Expo – April 23 is holding an accessible online job fair on April 23. The Expo enables you to directly connect with employers who are actively looking to expand and/or diversify their workforce to include people with disabilities. Here’s the link for more information and to sign up.
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