That familiar blue and white symbol of a sedentary person in a wheelchair is about to change throughout the state of New York. The new symbol will be one of a very active person in a wheelchair. Along with the signs, the designation “Handicapped” will be changed to “Accessible”. Douglas Hovey, Executive Director of Independent Living, Inc. in Newburg, NY said, …
Read More »Join the CTP Family!
Since 1974, Computer Technologies Program has provided over one million hours of training and support for thousands of people with disabilities taking steps toward their career goals. We work hand-in-hand with the Department of Rehabilitation so there is no cost for our program’s participants and they have access to a wide range of support services.
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Make Your Story Part of History
If you listen to National Public Radio’s “Morning Edition”, you’ve probably heard their broadcast of StoryCorps–average, everyday people interviewing a friend or loved one about their lives. It’s always heart-felt and moving, and the listener comes away enriched with a broader understanding of the life experiences and wisdom of others. In celebration of the upcoming 25th anniversary of the Americans with …
Read More »Exercise Cuts Risk of Chronic Disease in Half
According to a report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Inactive adults with disabilities are 50 percent more likely to have at least one chronic disease than are active adults with disabilities. Working age adults with disabilities are three times more likely to have heart disease, stroke, diabetes or cancer than adults without disabilities. Nearly half of adults with disabilities get …
Read More »New Regulations Look to Increase Employment
Looking for a job? Try a federal contractor. The federal government recently issued new regulations that apply to all contractors and subcontractors who have federal contracts of $10,000 or more. These regulations, issued under Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act, are an attempt to improve the employment situation for people with disabilities. Statistics from 2011 show the employment rate of adults with disabilities …
Read More »In-Home Care Workers’ Background Checks
How can this be? Home health agencies aren’t required to do background checks on people who provide in-home care services for people with disabilities? According to a report recently released by the U.S. Office of the Inspector General, that is the reality in 10 states–Alabama, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Montana, New Jersey, North Dakota, South Dakota, West Virginia and Wyoming. These states lack any …
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