Media Release

By signing below, I, represent and warrant that I have all necessary right and legal authority to enter into this Media/Appearance Release (the “Release”) on the terms below. On behalf of myself, I authorize the Computer Technologies Program (CTP) to record and use my picture, likeness, image, voice, and/or name, as follows:

I agree that, CTP may (or did) take photographs or record video capturing my picture, likeness, name, and/or voice, by any mechanical or electrical means, including, without limitation, physical film and/or digital means of recording (the “Released Material”).

I hereby grant to CTP and assign all rights in the Released Material, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, for all purposes, including but not limited to promotion, advertising, sale, communication, or exhibition, in any and all media existing now or in the future, and in any and all legal jurisdictions worldwide. I hereby waive the right to receive any payment for, or to inspect or approve, the use of any of Released Material for any of the purposes authorized by this release. I furthermore waive any moral rights, privacy rights, publicity rights, or similar rights I, or any other person acting on my behalf, may have or later acquire in the Released Material.

I expressly waive and release CTP, its employees, directors, agents, successors, assigns, licensees, parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates (collectively, the “Releasees”) from any cause of action in law or equity I, or any other person acting on my behalf, may have or later acquire against the Releasees in connection with their exercise of the rights set forth herein. In the event this Release is held invalid, I will indemnify and hold harmless the Releasees with respect to any claim brought by me or on my behalf, or by any other party claiming rights in the Released Material by virtue of my appearance therein.

BY entering my name below, I acknowledge that I have read, understood, and agreed to the foregoing.

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