
Who are we?
What are we doing here?

At the risk of sounding as befuddled as 1992 vice-presidential candidate James Stockdale, who introduced himself to the country with these two questions, here’s the story:

The staff and Board of Directors have united to revive the long dormant institution: the CTP newsletter. This time the newsletter is presented in both print and electronic form, so as to reach as many current and future CTP supporters as possible. In other words, there’s no escaping the tentacles of our revitalized newsletter.

Frankly, things have been changing so fast over the last few years with CTP that a newsletter is imperative.

At its core, CTP hasn’t changed. We continue to offer intensive high technology training to people with disabilities. Our mission remains the same as well: to improve employment opportunities for the disabled community.

As an example of a recent, exciting change, we now offer Networking and Technical Support Training (NTST), which prepares graduates to obtain employment in a technical support capacity in most any type of company. And this coming spring, we will break ground on the Ed Roberts Campus. Commemorating the heroic leader of the independent living movement, the ERC brings together several organizations committed to serving people with disabilities.

— Tim McInerney

Tim McInerney (Programming Class 41) joined the Board of Directors in 2004, and was elected Board Secretary in 2007. Since then, Tim has been fundraising for CTP, in addition to working on this newsletter.

Tim McInerney (1965-2010)

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