CTP Staff Take on an All Day Workshop

The staff at CTP attended the Craigslist Foundation “day of knowledge, resources and networking”, a Nonprofit Boot Camp designed to educate and empower the next generation of nonprofit leaders and social entrepreneurs. Here are some of the highlights of the day.


  • eBay / MissionFish
  • Fundraising opportunities for CTP via direct selling of donated goods via online auction.
  • Simplified donation possibilities for other eBay sellers to donate earnings to CTP. Automated tax letters and cash direct to CTP.

Google Grants

  • Status: Grant application in progress. Acceptance takes up to 6 months (quarterly application review).Status: Grant application in progress. Acceptance takes up to 6 months (quarterly application review).
  • Google donates up to $40,000/month in Google AdWords advertisement.

Social Enterprise

  • The concept of Social Enterprise is a non-profit operating as a business and generating its own income rather than a grant / foundation funded organization.
  • The main concern for a non-profit operating as a ‘Social Enterprise’ taking care to stay within the IRS tax guidelines and maintain its non-profit tax status.

Marketing-centric Vision and Mission Statements

  • A vision statement is the ‘why’ and mission is the ‘how’
  • Vision statement is one that should inspire others to donate, volunteer, or otherwise support CTP and what it does.
  • Mission statement should explain how the organization

http://craigslistfoundation.org/ – Links a variety of resources.
http://www.se-alliance.org/ – Social Enterprise resources.
http://www.techsoup.com/ – Discount software and equipment for non-profits.
http://www.idealist.org/ – Non-profit resources.

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