Navigating the Maze of Benefits

The World Institute on Disability (WID) has created two very useful websites to help you navigate the bewildering realm of benefits. One website,, is for disability benefits in general and the other,, is specifically for veterans.

Disability Benefits 101 presents the rules, in plain language, for health coverage, benefit programs and employment programs that people with disabilities use–whether run by state government, federal government, non-profit or private organizations. And it’s presented in such a way that you can easily see how they impact one another. The benefits planning calculator allows you to determine what a given decision might mean for your particular situation.

Vets101 supports vets to take command of life after miltary service by providing tools to navigate the maze of information that impacts your financial and career decisions. The Veterans Benefits Navigator provides a prioritized list, based on your responses to an anonymous survey, of the top benefit programs that you should explore first. The Benefits and Work Calculator will give you credible estimates of the effects of employment on individual benefits and health coverage. Vets101 also features employment-focused articles written in plain language covering over 100 veterans programs.

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