Rental Assistance is on the Way

On May 15th, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced it is making $85 million available to state housing agencies to provide housing assistance for extremely low-income persons with disabilities.

As part of recent reforms  made to the 811 Program, the funding  is specifically intended to target “extremely” low-income persons with disabilities, which they define as “those who are at or below 30 percent of Area Median Income (AMI)”.  It can be used only  for rental assistance, not for construction or rehabilitation.

Only state or local housing agencies that are currently administering affordable housing programs are eligible for the funds.  In addition, they must have a formal partnership with a state Health and Human Services/Medicaid agency to provide for referrals, tenant selection and to perform other casework activities.  This is to ensure that the assistance goes to individuals with the most critical need.  Approximately 2,800 people are expected to benefit.

Here’s the link for the full press release.

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