Accessible Movies

Another victory for people with disabilities was achieved this week  when  the Illinois attorney general’s office announced a settlement with AMC Theatres, the state’s largest movie theater chain.  AMC has agreed to make it’s movies accessible for people with hearing and visual impairments.

By 2014, all of AMC’s theaters will be equipped with both captioning devices–small rectangular screens that attach to cup holders on theater seats–for people with hearing impairments, and headsets that describe the action on the screen for people with visual impairments.  A spokesman for AMC said about half their theaters would be equipped by the end of this year.

The process that culminated in this victory was initiated in May 2010 when Equip for Equality, an Illinois-based disability advocacy agency, sent a complaint to the Illinois attorney general’s office.  Similar legal action has been brought against movie theater companies in Arizona, New Jersey and New York by their state attorneys general.

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