Holiday Toys for Children in Need

Through the Looking Glass (TLG) is a disability-community-based nonprofit organization for families in which a child, parent or grandparent has a disability or medical issue.  The vast majority of their families live in poverty, and most parents can’t afford to buy holiday gifts for their children.

Each year during the holiday season, TLG has filled the gap by soliciting donated toys and games from Bay Area organizations and companies.  But this year, due to a combination of decreased community resources and increased poverty, they expect a significant shortfall in donations .

If you would like to donate a new, unwrapped toy, game or book suitable for children from birth through age 18, there will be a “TLG TOYS” collection box outside the main TLG door at the Ed Robert Campus (located above the Ashby BART station).  All donations are welcome, but they particularly need gifts for the younger children.  They will continue to accept donations through the end of the year.

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