Deborah Meehan Retirement

News from the past…

Deborah Meehan, who has left her position as CTP’s Manager of Corporate Relations, was recently honored at a staff dinner at Olivetto’s in Berkeley for her tremendous contributions to both CTP and its graduates.

Deborah, who participated in CTP’s inception as a Department of Rehabilitation intern, began working as CTP’s Job Developer in 1983. Deborah put her stamp on the position quickly. She developed a job search curriculum for students based on her model of empowering students to gain the skills they needed not only to secure employment upon graduation, but to insure advancement throughout their careers. She expanded the focus of her position beyond job development to encompass the broader scope of corporate relations. By building strong ties to the business community through the development of CTP’s Business Advisory Committee (BAC), Deborah helped assure that CTP stayed current with the needs of business. Deborah recruited countless business volunteers to serve as curriculum consultants, internship sponsors, Review Board technical reviewers, mentors and sponsors for CTP and its students. She organized BAC meetings in both the North and South Bay, and was the point person for numerous BAC receptions sponsored by CTP over the years.

Deborah will be missed for her sense of humor and keen intelligence, her terrific writing skills, her vision and her remarkable skill in working so effectively with both students and business people. She will continue to work with CTP on a consultant basis with the Micro-enterprise Project, exploring ways that persons with disabilities can develop individual entrepreneurial enterprises. Deborah is currently working as a consultant to several foundations, including the Kellogg Foundation.

Though Deborah’s pumps will be difficult to fill, Pauline Vela has stepped up to the challenge. Pauline will continue to manage the Office Systems Training Program (hiring a new staff OST trainer), while also taking on the role of Employment Specialist.

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